Milwaukee - Waukesha, WI Business Brokers
Price: $350,000
Location: South East Wisconsin
Listing ID: 4102-18269
Listing Status: New
A high-end salon and spa between Madison and Milwaukee provides a serene and upscale ambiance where customers can indulge in premium beauty and wellness treatments.
The owner has an excellent staff in place (they are all W-2 employees). She has hired
support staff to help run the business. The owner spends about 25 hours a week with
clients and then spends about 15-20 hours a week on administrative tasks and employee relations.
The owner's benefit has decreased from 2021 to 2023 because of the added
staff. The extra staff has allowed the owner to work less and focus more on her clients and mentoring.
Facilities/Location/Real Estate
The facility was built in 2005 and remodeled recently. The facility is 5,144 SF, and sits on approximately .79 acres.
Owner of the Salon owns the real estate and will negotiate a NNN Lease with a buyer of the business.
The real estate is also available for sale for $900,000.
Total Sales: $1,096,276
Cash Flow: $164,478
FFE: $187,945
Inventory: $28,500